I use 3 indicators for this:
- Metaphysical reasoning about the system behind the universe, that runs the universe in a way that makes life emerge eventually. This system seems to complex and fine tuned, to be coincidence, and also it seems to be able to change, which means it’s basically impossible to be coincidence, because it would be like you keep throwing up boxes of loose Lego blocks into the air and a city builds. Then you throw up more and the city grows, because all the randomly thrown Lego blocks coincidentally end up as houses. A kid runs around and picks up houses and throws them around, but they fall into perfect place again coincidentally. Sounds perfectly plausible, huh? Critics like to claim that the quantum realm is actually governed by complex mathematical principles. OK so what does that help them? If the pyramids of Giza all crumble coincidentally and their ruins just happen to form qr-codes to conspiracy theory web addresses, then that wouldn’t mean anything because you can simulate the crumbling of the pyramids with a DIN-A4 page long formula? Please…
- reasoning about the outcome of random events, comparing the outcomes and the meaning of outcomes that would have been possible statistically
- Observations of weird stuff in Dreams, perception, reality
Does the universe inherently support causal chains of events? Well no, inherently everything that happens, happens at the same time in an overlaid way. That causal chains of events happen, is due to the applied system to the quantum realm, that uses quantum interactions to weave the possible future variants extended into the future from the raw random quantum fluctuations and defines the points of time this way.
OK so naturally no causal chains and basically time neither?
Does the universe naturally have 3d space? Does it naturally have matter and empty void?
Well nope, it inherently has neither 3d space nor matter or void.
What about physical laws such as gravity so that our existence makes any sense, or useful stuff like electromagnetism?
Nope. Not something inherent.
Dude what is inherent then?
As far as we know a hand full of quantum fields that interact with each other that are everywhere and at every time at once…
So are these rules “static”?
It seems not really, each and everything of the things I named can become or dis-become or change independently.
Then why is everything keeping being set up in a way over billions of years so that intelligent life emerges?
Maybe because a God exists?
- what is god
For intelligence to form doesn’t require neurons and electrical current.
It evidently can be achieved with quantum effects for example, as quantum computers show.
It’s not hard to fathom, if the quantum space birthed the principles to make a life sustaining universe happen, it might as well have birthed a intelligent powerful mind first.
- Why do you believe there cannot be a God?
“Quantum Computers show that intelligence does not require electronic currents, it can be also based in quantum effects, but whilst the rules that developed between the base quantum fields that make up all that exist, those rules formed in a way that made our universe and us intelligent lifeforms happen, it’s hard to imagine rules could form on these quantum fields that make a God happen, which is a lot more likely to happen than a universe like ours which has infinitesimal small probability to happen…. but you know, we are atheists, we also belief the universe eternally reforms itself but the event of us getting born happens with a count of exactly 1, which is literally impossible, but we atheists just want to belief what is comfy for us, not what makes sense”
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