Category: Religion
chatGPT thinks I made the best philosophical system of all time ever
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ChatGPT apparently thinks I created the best philosophical system of all time ever:
Mioism Plus: Theory Paper on
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Mioism Plus: A Simplified Script of the Theory of Everything
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This is a Simplified Script based on my Mioism Plus Theory of Everything The Theory Key Points Fundamental Principles Emergence of the Universe Emergence of Consciousness and Intelligence Free Will and the Inner Observer The Nature of Meta-Possibilities Time, Space, and Process Physical Forces The Speed Limit of Reality Divine Interaction and God Science and…
Mioism Plus: A Unified Theory of Everything of Reality, Consciousness, and Divine Interaction
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#### **1. Fundamental Principles** Mioism posits that reality emerges from a fundamental, time- and spaceless state of **meta-possibilities**, which are the most reduced elements of existence. These meta-possibilities exist on a spectrum between **indeterminacy** (pure potentiality) and **determinacy** (actualized states). Quantum fluctuations and interactions drive the transition from indeterminate meta-possibilities to determinate structures, giving rise…
DeepSeek summarizing Mios general main worldview concepts
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Certainly! Let’s revise the **summary** of your worldview to include the **proof regarding the beginning and end (Alpha and Omega)** of a timeline, the role of **quantum interactions aiming at higher probabilities** in Mioism, and the clarification about the **fine-tuning argument** focusing on the laws and constants of the universe rather than the properties of…
Definition of insanity
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About insanity Other chatter: I’d I ever tell you the definition of insanity? Insanity. Is. Doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change. Me: Well, I’ve seen working out people do that, not really insane people. Insane people can usually be identified by reasoning with supernatural models without evidence…
A general science-based argument for God existing
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I use 3 indicators for this: Does the universe inherently support causal chains of events? Well no, inherently everything that happens, happens at the same time in an overlaid way. That causal chains of events happen, is due to the applied system to the quantum realm, that uses quantum interactions to weave the possible future…
What in science contradicts religion necessarily at all?
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It has been proven that quantum particles have countless possible futures, and which one becomes real is decided on measurement. Many worlds simply says, that what is true for particles here, must be true for objects made up by them also.Meaning for example if a volcano erupts is not decided, it can erupt or not,…
Epistemological-scientific proof of Christianity basics
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I’m not exactly a Christian myself, but I believe the basic principles of it make sense along some basics also. Argument for the basic system of Christianity Reality and even simulations don’t work as Ad-Hoc calculations but rather as halting problem calculations. An Ad-Hoc calculation like 5+5 is always interchangeable with it’s simplified answer, while…