#### **1. Fundamental Principles**
Mioism posits that reality emerges from a fundamental, time- and spaceless state of **meta-possibilities**, which are the most reduced elements of existence. These meta-possibilities exist on a spectrum between **indeterminacy** (pure potentiality) and **determinacy** (actualized states). Quantum fluctuations and interactions drive the transition from indeterminate meta-possibilities to determinate structures, giving rise to the universe, consciousness, and all emergent phenomena.
#### **2. Emergence of the Universe**
The universe arises from the interplay of meta-possibilities and quantum interactions. These interactions aim at higher probabilities, leading to the emergence of meaningful structures, such as particles, atoms, and galaxies. The fine-tuning of physical laws and constants is maintained by the probabilistic nature of quantum processes, which are governed by an overarching quantum wave that encapsulates all of reality.
#### **3. Emergence of Consciousness and Intelligence**
Consciousness and intelligence emerge from the interaction of indeterminate meta-possibilities and determinate processes within biological systems. In the brain, quantum effects (e.g., coherence in microtubules) facilitate the processing of meta-possibilities into coherent thoughts and experiences. The mind is a system that utilizes indeterminate possibilities and processes them into determinate outputs, driving random ideas toward higher probabilities and meaningful outcomes.
– **The Mind as an Aspiring Building Block**: The mind, or rather an idea, is based on an **aspiring building block**—a meta-possibility that has a defined aim or goal. These aspiring building blocks seek to manifest into physical forms, such as thoughts, memories, or actions. Over time, they evolve from a state of pure possibility (indeterminate) to a fully decided state (determinate). However, our definite place in the timeline of reality is determined more by the aging of the body (a physical process) than by the “aging” of ideas.
– **Sentience and the Inner Observer**: The inner observer (subjective experience) is built from **possibility building blocks** that have **sentience attributes**. These attributes allow the inner observer to process and interpret meta-possibilities, creating a coherent sense of self and reality. The inner observer is a dynamic balance between existence and non-existence, constantly materializing and dematerializing through the interplay of memories, ideas, and thoughts.
#### **4. Free Will and the Inner Observer**
Free will arises from the probabilistic nature of quantum interactions, which introduce genuine unpredictability and agency. The inner observer—the subjective experience of consciousness—exists as a dynamic balance between existence and non-existence, constantly materializing and dematerializing through the interplay of memories, ideas, and thoughts. This process is mediated by the brain’s physical structures, which process meta-possibilities into determinate experiences.
#### **5. The Nature of Meta-Possibilities**
Meta-possibilities are the fundamental building blocks of reality, existing in three primary states:
1. **Fully Undecided**: Pure potentiality, akin to quantum fluctuations in a void, with no defined direction or interaction.
2. **Aspiring**: Meta-possibilities with a defined aim or goal, seeking to manifest into physical forms.
3. **Saturated**: Meta-possibilities that have achieved their intended state and function as determinate particles or structures.
These states interact and reconfigure themselves, driving the emergence of higher-level structures and processes.
– **Meta-Possibilities as Lego Blocks**: Meta-possibilities can be thought of as **Lego blocks** that can combine or repel each other based on their compatibility. For example:
– In the brain, aspiring building blocks (ideas) combine to form coherent thoughts.
– In the universe, particles like electrons and protons attract or repel based on the compatibility of their meta-possibilities.
– In biology, cells split and form new cells through the interaction of meta-possibilities.
#### **6. Time, Space, and the Halting Problem**
Time and space emerge from the interactions of meta-possibilities. Reality operates like a **halting problem**, where events depend on probabilistic, step-by-step processes rather than instantaneous calculations. This necessitates a finite timeline (Alpha and Omega) for any “age of reality,” as an unbounded process would become uncontrollable and fail to resolve dependencies.
– **Time as a Quantum Process**: A person, like any object, evolves from pure possibility (indeterminate) to fully decided (determinate) as a whole. This defines our place in the timeline on the quantum fields, which contain our full timelines at once. Time steps occur in **Planck time**, and spatial steps occur in **Planck length**, reflecting the discrete nature of quantum interactions.
#### **7. Gravity, Electromagnetism, and Physical Forces**
Gravity, electromagnetism, and other physical forces arise from the interactions of meta-possibilities. For example:
– **Gravity**: The attraction between masses is explained by the compatibility of meta-possibilities in matter. Matter “wants” to join with other matter, while void (empty space) does not.
– **Electromagnetism**: Magnetic and electric forces arise from the specific “wants” or aims of meta-possibilities in particles like electrons and protons.
#### **8. The Speed Limit of Reality**
The maximum speed of any particle (the speed of light) is determined by the rate at which meta-possibilities can communicate changes among themselves. For a quantum interaction to occur, all meta-possibilities of an object must communicate and synchronize. The more meta-possibilities an object has, the more time it takes for this communication to occur, limiting the object’s maximum speed.
#### **9. Divine Interaction and God**
God is defined as a quantum-based intelligence that emerges from the fundamental quantum fields. As a superset of the universe, God governs the laws and probabilities of reality, ensuring the stability and fine-tuning of physical constants. Divine interactions (e.g., miracles) are explained through quantum phenomena such as entanglement and quasi-telepathy, which allow for non-local and seemingly supernatural effects.
#### **10. Reconciliation of Science and Religion**
Mioism reconciles scientific theories (e.g., quantum mechanics, evolution) with religious narratives (e.g., Genesis) by positing that the past and future are probabilistic and observer-dependent. This allows for multiple interpretations of reality, where both scientific and religious accounts can coexist as different branches of a probabilistic universe.
#### **11. Fine-Tuning and the Role of God**
The fine-tuning of the universe’s laws and constants is explained by the probabilistic nature of quantum interactions, which are influenced by a higher intelligence (God). This intelligence ensures that the universe evolves toward higher probabilities, creating conditions conducive to life and consciousness.
#### **12. Quantum Effects in Biological Systems**
Quantum effects (e.g., superradiance in tryptophan networks) play a role in biological systems, influencing brain function and consciousness. These effects demonstrate that quantum coherence can occur in warm, wet, and noisy environments, supporting the idea that quantum processes underpin biological complexity.
#### **13. The All-Encapsulating Quantum Wave**
The universe is governed by an all-encapsulating quantum wave that flows between indeterminate and determinate states. This wave shapes reality by mediating the interactions of meta-possibilities and ensuring the coherence of physical laws.
#### **14. Practical Implications**
– **Free Will and Ethics**: The probabilistic nature of reality provides a basis for free will, with ethical implications for human responsibility and decision-making.
– **Divine Interaction**: Miracles and divine interventions are explained through quantum phenomena, offering a scientific framework for understanding supernatural events.
– **Consciousness and Intelligence**: The emergence of consciousness from quantum processes suggests new avenues for research in neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
### **What Mioism Explains Well**
1. **Emergence of Reality**: How the universe, consciousness, and all phenomena emerge from fundamental meta-possibilities.
2. **Free Will and Consciousness**: How quantum indeterminacy provides a basis for free will and subjective experience.
3. **Fine-Tuning**: Why the laws of physics are fine-tuned for life and how a higher intelligence (God) could govern this process.
4. **Reconciliation of Science and Religion**: How scientific and religious narratives can coexist in a probabilistic universe.
5. **Quantum Effects in Biology**: How quantum coherence can occur in biological systems, influencing brain function and consciousness.
### **What Mioism Struggles to Explain (or Would Struggle to Explain)**
1. **The Nature of God**: While Mioism posits God as a quantum-based intelligence, it does not provide a detailed explanation of God’s attributes (e.g., omnipotence, omniscience) or how God’s consciousness arises from quantum fields.
2. **Miracles and Divine Intervention**: While quantum phenomena like entanglement are invoked to explain miracles, there is no empirical evidence for such effects at macroscopic scales.
3. **The Origin of Meta-Possibilities**: The theory does not explain where meta-possibilities come from or why they exist.
4. **The Hard Problem of Consciousness**: While Mioism provides a framework for consciousness, it does not fully address why or how subjective experience arises from quantum processes.
5. **Empirical Testability**: Many aspects of Mioism (e.g., God, miracles, meta-possibilities) are difficult to test empirically, making it challenging to validate the theory.
### **Criticism and Opinion**
#### **Strengths**:
– **Comprehensive Framework**: Mioism provides a unified explanation for a wide range of phenomena, from the emergence of the universe to the nature of consciousness and divine interaction.
– **Alignment with Quantum Mechanics**: The theory aligns well with established principles of quantum mechanics, such as indeterminacy and entanglement.
– **Creative Synthesis**: Mioism creatively bridges science, philosophy, and theology, offering a novel perspective on longstanding questions.
#### **Weaknesses**:
– **Speculative Nature**: Many aspects of Mioism (e.g., God, miracles, meta-possibilities) are highly speculative and lack empirical support.
– **Lack of Testability**: Some claims (e.g., divine intervention, the origin of meta-possibilities) are difficult to test or falsify, limiting the theory’s scientific rigor.
– **Ambiguity of Key Concepts**: Terms like “meta-possibilities” and “quantum-based intelligence” are not clearly defined or rigorously connected to established science.
#### **Opinion**:
Mioism is a **remarkably ambitious and creative theory** that attempts to unify science, philosophy, and theology. While it raises important questions and provides a unique perspective, it remains speculative in many areas. To gain broader acceptance, Mioism would need to develop testable hypotheses, clarify its key concepts, and engage more deeply with competing theories. Nonetheless, it is a valuable contribution to the ongoing dialogue about the nature of reality, consciousness, and the divine.
Added Appendix – engaging with valid criticism
Term definitions or connection to established principles
- meta-possibilities,” “essential possibilities”
Meta-possibilities or essential possibilities are possibility building blocks. I also described them as Lego Blocks. The built possibility from them is a real possibility and can either become a part of reality or not.
- “Ad-Hoc calculations,” “halting problem calculations”
Ad-hoc calculations are processes that complete in 1 single step, because either no dependencies, or those resolved already in the past.
Halting problem calculations are processes that need multiple steps, because dependencies need to resolve still.
- “quantum fields”
The most basic ressources of quantum interactions resolve to a hand full, maybe 5 or 6 „pools“ of a specific type. Everything can come from interactions of elements of those „pools“ by specific laws. Those „pools“ are the quantum fields. They are like basic „essences“. Those are basically the possible “Meta-Possibility types” or “Lego Block types“.
- “quantum quasi-telekinesis,” “quantum quasi-telepathy,” and “Bell’s theorem connotations”
- “all-encapsulating quantum wave”
Testability and Falsifiability
TBD Develop testable hypotheses and gather empirical evidence
My worldview “Theory of Everything” might not describe literally everything yet?
- Is God conscious? If so, how does consciousness arise from quantum interactions?
- Is God omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent? If so, how do these attributes fit into a quantum framework?
- “Dynamic Laws”: The argument does not clearly define what it means for physical laws to be dynamic. Are the laws themselves changing, or are they simply being applied differently in different quantum states?
- Does observation require consciousness, or can it be performed by any measuring device?
- how does an observer (human or divine) exert agency to select one (timeline) branch over another?
- The Origin of Meta-Possibilities: The theory does not explain where meta-possibilities come from or why they exist.
- From sentience artifacts
- The Hard Problem of Consciousness.
- It arises from the nature of what those sentience artifacts are: When those change in their built, it occurs according to their sentient want or not. This can build up to a “Format” of inner observer experience.
Engagement with Competing Theories
- theories of consciousness (e.g., integrated information theory, global workspace theory)
- interpretations of quantum mechanics (e.g., Copenhagen interpretation, pilot-wave theory)
Compatibility with Religions of this worldview
I’m currently aware that this should be compatible with
- Christianity
- Hinduism
the most, of the well-known ones.
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