The Mioism theory of everything
Mioism, my developed Theory of everything around A+theism says, all that exists, and also things that might come to existence still, necessarily exist on a spectrum between whats possible and the determinate. A strong argument for that might be that quantum fluctuations reflect essential possibilities that repulse each other due to incompatibilities, which also can explain phenomena like symmetry breaking. The repulsion results in the spectrum of the possibilities reconfigurating themselves into a working determinate fashion. This process of particles interacting with each other has a relationship to entropy, it drives the groups to higher probabilities.
All these effects are evidentially capable of creating a intelligence as quantum computers show. A mind is a system that utilizes possibilities of the indeterminate on the one side, in brains through microtubles and processes them in a determinate fashion on its physical structures cut out for it. The mind also has the nature of driving sort of random ideas to higher probability.
The hand full of quantum fields that exist require very specific laws for interaction between them to make our universe possible, yet these laws would be possible to change. Because the requirements for our universe are so convoluted, it’s more likely that there’s intelligent mind on top of it.
You have to just understand philosophically: Materialists tried to tell us we don’t have free will, because that’s not possible in materialism, and then many of them went as far as telling us we don’t really exist, because our existence is issue prone to try and explain with materialism as well.
But to explain our existence together with free will is no big deal in Mioism.
Just look at following:
Quantum fluctuations are meta possibilities that don’t do anything, those meta possibilities can join up to small essential possibility building blocks that say and do something. Those meta-possibilities and essential possibilities building blocks repulse others that are inherently incompatible.
Now there are 3 basic states of meta-possibilities
- Fully undecided: like the quantum fluctuations in void, they don’t know what they want to be, so they don’t really interact in any meaningful way with reality
- Aspiring: they have a basic idea where to go, so they aim there
- Saturated: they finished their build, so they do what they are ought to as that build
Now look at the Aspiring type: Those are essentially ideas of possibilities that aim to get manifested into a physical form. Saturated blocks often try to build bigger stuff with other Saturated blocks. All those processes of grouping and reconfigurating aim to higher probability.
Now what is this inner Observer with free will thing?
It is, what neither is, nor is not, during his whole existence. It exists as a high-wire act between existing and not existing. That includes its whole being. Even cells are inherently only half existing. They are always in the process of materializing itself while falling apart and dying.
Our very experience of our existence as inner observer has this nature of being a half existing thing between falling apart and building itself up in forms of memories, ideas that build up, and thoughts that get constructed. Our mind are basically those “Aspiring” building blocks made of meta-possibilities that have an idea about self and want to develop somewhere but are unfinished. Our mind is supposed to develop from a contradictory mess with bad reality understanding with little probability, to a good reflection of how reality works with high probability that doesn’t contradict. Just as any “Aspiring” building block aims to finish itself and become “real”, saturated. Yet our existence and experience is different to mere matter with those aspiring building blocks, due to how our possibilities interact with determinate processing over microtubles within the brain.
Special properties of Mioism
- It’s potentially provable, when you can somehow track the behavior of quantum fluctuations, And then fix it up with neuroscience also
- The Mioism theory of everything seems to be much more likely to be factual than other theory’s of everything
- it epistemologically follows from the observable behavior of quantum fluctuations, plus it can explain… well everything
- the parts about how the universe emerges from it are only hinted in the summary version, I go more into detail about that in longer elaborations
- it does explain why things are the way they are, and how everything came from nothing
Meta-possibilities are the absolute reduction of everything. Meta-possibilities are essentially the true nothing. Even a space devoid of any content is something more complex and definite than meta possibilities.
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